Bulk email service

A simple way to send an email to everyone you need to. We call it Broadcast.

Broadcast is the missing email tool. It gives you the power of a bulk email service without the hassle. Stay in touch right from within Highrise.

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Broadcast: A simple way to send an email to everyone you need to.

Powerful filter/tagging system

You need to email this group, but not that group. But it's not so easy. This group also has this tag, and that criteria... We understand. So we have set of flexible and powerful filters and tags that can slice and dice your contacts any way you want.


Powerful filter/tagging system: You'll find just who you need.

Measure performance

"You can't manage what you can't measure." We don't want you flying blind. You'll know exactly how well your bulk emails are doing. And whose opening and clicking on them.


Performance: Improve your emails knowing what works and what doesn't.


You'll feel comfortable with our simple templating system. Get as fancy as you like. You can merge in useful custom fields from your contacts and share templates with your whole team. (You can read more of the power behind our bulk email service.)


Templates: Use variables to merge in useful information.

Start using a powerful bulk email service today